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St. Mary
Church of the Seven Dolors of the Blessed Virgin
Valmeyer, Illinois
HomeMass and SacramentsParish News
Upcoming Events
Ongoing EventsAltar Sodality EventsThe Altar Sodality buys flowers, decorations, altar cloths and other linens for our church. They pay for the cleaning of our church and they buy other equipment for our church and parish center. Please support them in their fundraisers and events. Donut Day, Last Sunday of Every Month, 11:00 a.m.Join us in the Gathering Area the last Sunday of every month for donuts and beverages, and lively conversation with fellow parishioners. Altar Sodality Meeting and No-Bake Bake Sale, First Sunday of Every Month, 9:00 a.m.All ladies of the parish are cordially invited to the monthly Altar Sodality meeting on the first Sunday of the month for fellowship. Greeter and Hostess Sign-UpSign-up sheets for Greeters and Bake Sale hostesses are in the Gathering Area. Upcoming EventsAltar Sodality Christmas Dinner, Tuesday, December 3, 6:00 p.m.The Altar Sodality will hold its annual Christmas dinner in the Parish Hall on Tuesday, December 3. Doors open at 6:00 and dinner is served at 6:30. Please sign up by Sunday, November 26. The cost is $16.50. Please bring a $10 wrapped gift. All ladies of the parish are invited. Order Your Bundt Cakes by Friday, December 6Bundt cakes are a fundraiser for the parish. Order your cakes from Lisa Arnold by Friday, December 6. You can pick zip your cakes on December 20 between 3:00 and 7:00 p.m. Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, Monday, December 9This year the solemnity falls on Sunday. In the past, when a holy day of obligation fell on a Sunday, attending Sunday Mass fulfilled the requirement. However, clarification was given to the USCCB on October 10 from the Vatican and the solemnity will be transferred to, and celebrated on Monday. Christmas Cookie Bake Sale Sunday, December 15Come to the annual bake sale sponsored by the Ladies Altar Sodality following Masses on December 7 and 8. Please bake up a batch of your favorite holiday cookies to donate them to the Sodality’s fundraiser. Christmas Mass ScheduleSundays of AdventAdvent begins on Sunday, December 1, with the lighting of the first candle on the Advent Wreath. There are no PSR classes on December 1, December 29 or January 5. Children’s Christmas Play, Sunday, December 22, 9:00Parish children will perform their Christmas play BEFORE Mass on the Fourth Sunday of Advent. ChristmasMasses for the Nativity of the Lord are on Christmas Eve at 4:00 p.m. with Fr. Linus, and on Christmas morning at 10:00 a.m. |
St. Mary Church · 101 South Meyer Avenue · Valmeyer, IL 62295 · (618) 935-2247 Website content (c) 2018-2021 by the Parish Council of St. Mary Church of the Seven Dolors of the Blessed Virgin |